Monday, April 6, 2015

Insurgent: The Movie

So I'm officially all caught up movie wise! Yay me! Insurgent: The Movie!

So right off the bat, I'm going to say it, if you have not yet gone and seen this movie, do so! And if you can't better be watching for when it's available to purchase because it definitely keeps you on the edgy of your seat! 

First off, Shailene, still does an amazing job as Tris as well as Theo does for Four! 

There is no denying that he loves Tris to the ends of the earth and will not stop at nothing to save/protect her! Same goes for Tris and her love for everyone! 

There is some OMG! moments and some WHAT JUST HAPPENED! *this is why you need to watch it*

Hands down my favorite part is when... Spoiler alert.... Four shoots Eric in the Head! Amazing! 

And my least favorite part is the little itty bitty of implied sex scene because.... Tris goes and turns herself into Jeanine (Kate Winslet) for the sake of everyone else! 

I mean I've been waiting for Tris/Four doing the dirty since they got all hot and passion at in the first one. And that's all I got... I was disappointed there and there alone! 


For all the Divergent Fans, like myself, who are looking forward to this sequel, show your support with a set of Custom Jamberry Nails. I have 1 design available. 1 for $25 or 2 for $20, emails me at and we'll get your order on its way for the big night.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Throwback Thursday Movie Style


Throwback Thursday
Movie Style

As the first post of this series, I thought it was only fitting to do one of my many favorite movies, Dirty Dancing
"Spending the summer in a holiday camp with her family, Frances "Baby" Houseman falls in love with the camp's dance instructor Johnny Castle"

As I said one of many favorite movies,  the idea of a sweet and innocent girl falling for the bad boy dancer, and going against her father, like most love stories, is what checks you and that is definitely what caught me! Not going to lie, I always wanted this type of life changer to happen to me. I've watched this movie I don't know how many times, and currently own!

Hopefully, you've seen or at least heard of this movie, if not, where have you been all your life? You must see this movie.


  1. Sweet Girl
  2. Bad Boy
  3. Forbidden Love
  4. Dancing
  5. Awesome Music
  6. Happily Ever After

How could you not want to watch this movie?

"Baby" Houseman (Jennifer Grey) is on a family vacation, where everything is boring and uneventful for her. She's young, but doesn't fit in with the other teenagers, including her older sister, who is all about fashion and marrying rich. She befriends one of the resort's employee, and joins him in the employee hang out where she begins to secretly fall in love with head dance instructor, Johnny Castle (Patrick Swayze). Over the course of the movie, they are thrown together to save another employee, and they fall in love. They must keep it a secret due to the rules of the resort and her parents, especially her father would disapprove. The truth comes out in the end, but they still mange to have a happy ending!

Interesting Fact, I just found in my research:

The things you learn while you do research! What? Who knew!

OK! Now comes the fun part NAIL TIME!  As I stated in the post introducing new things within Trashy Nails, Throwback Thursday also includes Custom Designs by Kay! 

This Featured NAS Design Wrap is all things Dirty Dancing:

Normally, I would end this entry, but this movie is a special case, because of Mr. Patrick Swayze's passing. I'm missing him dearly! I wish he didn't have to leave this Earth in the manner that he did. I also want to send continuous good vibes to his family and friends! My Love!

Him in his finest: 

Again, sending my love and good vibes to the Swayze Family!

And to end on a positive note, REMEMBER TO:

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Nail Tuesdays! #1


#1 April 7, 2015

Out of Focus - This wrap has all the makings of an ink blot test but isn't in black. With bits of pink, green and yellow, the description from Jamberry is "Like blooming flowers through a blurry lens, this wrap is fun and evocative. " 

Here I've paired a couple of lounging, running around town outfits as well as Business outfits! A little bit of different styles and colors to go with this colorful but tasteful wrap! 

Don't forget that this featured Wrap is a special price for today only, so don't wait to order! Message me for details! or on Facebook, Tips 2 Toes. (Just click the link)

New JAMmin Catalog

Out with the old and in with the new! I love this motto! It's a way to continually reinvent yourself and allow fun and new ways to express your rockin individuality. And what better way to do that then with the New Products from Jamberry Nails.

We all know how much I absolutely love this company and the amazing opportunity it has given me with adding some color to my boring life, but also with the amazing perks and ways to grow, inwardly as well outwardly.

But... enough about me.

So for the whole month of April, I'm hosting a New JAMmin Catalog party on Facebook, as well as just collecting orders. This party will be featuring a special, message me for details, but it is exclusive to this party and the New Wraps featured in the new catalog.

And so much more to products to chose from in the New & Notable Section.

Looking forward to see you all there!

Many ways to get involved or in touch with me. Newly added Business Page on Facebook, Being on our mailing list to get update information about Jamberry..... Please Click on the links above, especially the mailing list!

Oodles, Everyone!