Wednesday, April 1, 2015

New JAMmin Catalog

Out with the old and in with the new! I love this motto! It's a way to continually reinvent yourself and allow fun and new ways to express your rockin individuality. And what better way to do that then with the New Products from Jamberry Nails.

We all know how much I absolutely love this company and the amazing opportunity it has given me with adding some color to my boring life, but also with the amazing perks and ways to grow, inwardly as well outwardly.

But... enough about me.

So for the whole month of April, I'm hosting a New JAMmin Catalog party on Facebook, as well as just collecting orders. This party will be featuring a special, message me for details, but it is exclusive to this party and the New Wraps featured in the new catalog.

And so much more to products to chose from in the New & Notable Section.

Looking forward to see you all there!

Many ways to get involved or in touch with me. Newly added Business Page on Facebook, Being on our mailing list to get update information about Jamberry..... Please Click on the links above, especially the mailing list!

Oodles, Everyone!

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