Thursday, March 12, 2015

New Series: Theory Time! (March 2015)

Hey Everyone!

Long Time! Super busy in the personal life, big life changes going on! It's not like I forgotten about you all! I haven't!

So I've been reading a lot of different fan based theories about different movies and I thought what a better way to continue to talk about movies than to bring some theories to my blog. This is going to be a monthly staple to go along with the nails, new movie reviews, and books!

What better way to start off the new series with one of my favorite movies, Titanic and a recent fan based theory that I read.

"A seventeen-year-old aristocrat, expecting to be married to a rich claimant by her mother, falls in love with a kind but poor artist aboard the luxurious, ill-fated R.M.S. Titanic."

First of all, if you haven't seen this movie, you should definitely watch it, but be ready for 3 hours of prime viewing. Yes, I said 3 hours! 

It's worth the 3 hours, but make sure you have the remote handy to ensure that you can pause to go to the bathroom!

Theory Time:

Jack (Leo DiCaprio) could have been a time traveler. Thanks to a fellow movie buff, it is proposed that Jack could have been a time traveler, sent back to change the future, basically to stop Rose (Kate Winslet) from suicide and forever changing the world. If you think about it, if Rose had jumped off the ship, Kal (Billy Zane) would have made them stop the ship to search for her, meaning that they wouldn't be going as fast as they were that night that the ship hit the iceberg, it also means that the Blue Ocean necklace wouldn't have sunk to the bottom of the ocean at the end because the ship wouldn't have sunk either. This means that the Titanic wouldn't have been the unforgettable ship as well as thousands of people wouldn't have died. IN THE MOVIE OF COURSE!

Do you feel your mind exploding right now?

They continue on with facts that could possibly be proof that Jack was indeed a time traveler. From the article I read (click on the link TIME TRAVELER) some of the little details throughout the movie suggest that Jack is from the future (not to mention that people producing the movie didn't fact check very well), from his hair to some of the suggestion of activities that they will do once they've reached America. 

How about now? Mind Blown yet? 

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