Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Relaunching my Business, Blog, and Life!

Hey Ladies!
So many of you know, but I've been selling Jamberry for little over a year now, and I love it! The opportunities to meet with you ladies and share product but also have a lot of fun doing it, it really what keeps me going!
As most of you know, I have a little 5 year old cutie pie who I love to pieces, and she's also the reason I keep going! I was recently in a funk and wanted to stop Jamberry as well as everything else.
Talking with my mother I found passion again and started this blog. And ever since I've been rocking and rolling!

I found the strength I needed in myself to continue and do what I needed to do to make sure that I was successful and could, in the future, become my own boss. I want to be that Crazy Nail and Blogger Lady, who has the freedom to stay in her pjs all day (currently doing-day off) and can spend some quality time with the cutie pie.
And with Jamberry and my blog, I think I can do that!
If what I said inspires you to want to do the same thing, let me know! I'm also available to talk! Answer any questions! Send out samples! Take an Order! Whatever you need!

As I stated in the other post, Trashy Nails is going to have some very new and exciting series coming, not to mention the continuation of New Movies, Books vs Movies, Monthly Reading List and its Summary, Custom Designs, and so much more. 

I'm always looking for inspiration and that's where you all come in. Please don't be shy, leave a comment, a suggestion, anything really!  I need to know if there is some book or movie you want me to talk about. Or anything from Jamberry you want to see featured! And styles you want to see what Jamberry has to match! 

I can only think of so much! I want this to be about you all as well as me!

Speak up people! Let me hear you ROAR with suggestions/comments! (Please no negative, I don't think I could handle that in my current state of mind..just joking... but seriously be nice about it if you dislike something!)

Thanks in advance everyone! 

Oodles, Everybody!

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