Monday, March 30, 2015

Something Special in July!

I have something very special planned for July so make sure you watch out for new entries!

All I will tell you is it has to do with Harry Potter and J. K. Rowling's Birthday!

Until then, check out Harry Potter! from one of my good friends, Shelly!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Minor Issues!

Hey Everybody,

Due to major life issues.... Many of the posts that were promised aren't going to be available as I would have liked. I'm not really sure when they will be available, but not all the posts promised, only some! I can say that right now the posts in question (Cinderella, Insurgent, March's Reading List Summarized, and possibly April's Reading List) will be posted as soon as I can. The monthly series posts will be available as well as New JAMmin Catalog post.

Please don't lose faith in me. I have solutions, that are only taking a little bit of time to be able to solve this problem!

Thanks everyone, you all are the best!

Oodles Babies!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Relaunching my Business, Blog, and Life!

Hey Ladies!
So many of you know, but I've been selling Jamberry for little over a year now, and I love it! The opportunities to meet with you ladies and share product but also have a lot of fun doing it, it really what keeps me going!
As most of you know, I have a little 5 year old cutie pie who I love to pieces, and she's also the reason I keep going! I was recently in a funk and wanted to stop Jamberry as well as everything else.
Talking with my mother I found passion again and started this blog. And ever since I've been rocking and rolling!

I found the strength I needed in myself to continue and do what I needed to do to make sure that I was successful and could, in the future, become my own boss. I want to be that Crazy Nail and Blogger Lady, who has the freedom to stay in her pjs all day (currently doing-day off) and can spend some quality time with the cutie pie.
And with Jamberry and my blog, I think I can do that!
If what I said inspires you to want to do the same thing, let me know! I'm also available to talk! Answer any questions! Send out samples! Take an Order! Whatever you need!

As I stated in the other post, Trashy Nails is going to have some very new and exciting series coming, not to mention the continuation of New Movies, Books vs Movies, Monthly Reading List and its Summary, Custom Designs, and so much more. 

I'm always looking for inspiration and that's where you all come in. Please don't be shy, leave a comment, a suggestion, anything really!  I need to know if there is some book or movie you want me to talk about. Or anything from Jamberry you want to see featured! And styles you want to see what Jamberry has to match! 

I can only think of so much! I want this to be about you all as well as me!

Speak up people! Let me hear you ROAR with suggestions/comments! (Please no negative, I don't think I could handle that in my current state of mind..just joking... but seriously be nice about it if you dislike something!)

Thanks in advance everyone! 

Oodles, Everybody!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

700+ Pageviewer

I'm so happy to say that we've hit over 700 page views for my little blog! I can't tell you how much I appreciate this! It really means so much to me that you all would continue to read this blog.

There is so much going on in my life, we've had a major life change and things have not worked out in the way i planned but we're making the best of it! I'm so excited to continue this blog and my Jamberry Nails business, I want to be the crazy Nail and Blog stay at home mother. And honestly, with you help I can be. It's really amazing how this little blog could change my life so much, and I want to just say THANK YOU to everyone who reads this!

Here's new series to look forward in this blog:

Nail Tuesdays! -I'll be featuring one nail a week out of the new catalog and I'll pair it with different styles and colors, and that featured wrap will be featured in a one day sale. This will happen every Tuesday, the post will be available at midnight and the sale will be until 10pm.

Theory Time- This will be a monthly post, exposing new fan based theories, from all different genres, and my view on them. Please feel free to send me links if you find one I might be interested in or you think is cool.

Throwback Thursday Movie Style- I will be picking random movies from the 90s and back and creating a Custom Design Wrap for the feature. This will also be a monthly post. This one probably won't begin until May.

Here's some of the common hash tags I'm using and to look forward for:

  1. Reading List- #kaysreadinglist
  2. Reading List Summarized- #kaysreadinglistsummary
  3. New Movies- #spoileralert
  4. Books vs Movies- #booksvsmovies
  5. Custom Designs by Kay (NAS Designs)- #customdesignsbykay
  6. Hostess of the Month Club- #hostmonthlyclub
  7. Theory Time- #theorytime
  8. Nail Tuesdays!- #nailtuesdays
  9. Throwback Thursday Movie Style- #tbtms
I know that I still owe you two posts, Cinderella and Insurgent and I promise as soon as I get the rest of my life sorted out, I will provide! An unexpected cost arisen after reaching our destination. Don't lose faith in me though!

Now I have something huge to ask of all of you!

Are you ready?


Share as much as you can! I really appreciate it! 

I love you guys!

Oodles, Everyone!

2017 Movie List

My uncompleted list of Movies coming out in 2017, that I want to go see!

  1. Fifty Shades Darker

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Nail Tuesdays!

Hey Again Everyone! Looks like we have a new series coming!


So as the title suggests, I'm going to be featuring a new wrap/lacquers every Tuesday. This will also be featured at a special price for one day. 

Be on the look out every Tuesday to see how I combined the Mani with everyday looks, many different scenarios to ensure that it can be available for everyone, no matter what your style is!


This will start the first Tuesday of April so make sure you're keeping your eyes on the prize!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Divergent: Book vs Movie


Movie vs Book

To be honest, I saw this movie first, this is usually not the case, however I did this with The Hungers Games.  I really like the movie, Shailene Woodley did a very good job of bringing Tris as well as Theo James did for Four to the big screen. I'm actually looking forward to the next installment, Insurgent coming out later this year. It's in my 2015 Movie List Blog. Back on track, This adaptation was done very well. I've seen this movie a couple of times and I find that every time I watch it again I find new reasons that I like it so much. 

The concept of "Faction before Blood" is ridiculous to me. To leave your family because you're not meant for the Faction that you're in? For those who have read or see the movie, know what I'm talking about, but for those who haven't. 

Here's a little back story:

"Beatrice "Tris" Prior's society is divided into five factions—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). But there is also the factionless, those who don't belong anywhere.  Beatrice must choose between staying with her Abnegation family and transferring factions. Her choice will shock her community and herself. But the newly christened Tris also has a secret, one she's determined to keep hidden, because in this world, what makes you different makes you dangerous." (Divergent, 2014)


  1. Tris is quiet in both. She is the same within the book as she is in the movie. 
  2. Four is a jerk in both. They did an excellent job in showing the characters as they were interrupted from the book. 
  3. Tris and Four's love story was defiantly captured on screen. Theo and Shailene did a fantastic job of capturing this un-love love story. 


  1. Some of the characters from the book were merged together for the movie. Who really needs all the extra supporting characters?
  2. Some of the scenes were out of place in the movie versus where they were placed in the book. Not many but some to notice for avid readers and movie goers. 
  3. The aptitude testing scenario was different, there were mirrors and no bus.  

Who you chose FACTION or BLOOD?

Show your support to the factions with your very own Custom Design by Kay, Divergent I Nail Wrap. Which is featured in the Insurgent Blog.

1 for $25 or 2+ for $20; email for details or to order.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

New Series: Theory Time! (March 2015)

Hey Everyone!

Long Time! Super busy in the personal life, big life changes going on! It's not like I forgotten about you all! I haven't!

So I've been reading a lot of different fan based theories about different movies and I thought what a better way to continue to talk about movies than to bring some theories to my blog. This is going to be a monthly staple to go along with the nails, new movie reviews, and books!

What better way to start off the new series with one of my favorite movies, Titanic and a recent fan based theory that I read.

"A seventeen-year-old aristocrat, expecting to be married to a rich claimant by her mother, falls in love with a kind but poor artist aboard the luxurious, ill-fated R.M.S. Titanic."

First of all, if you haven't seen this movie, you should definitely watch it, but be ready for 3 hours of prime viewing. Yes, I said 3 hours! 

It's worth the 3 hours, but make sure you have the remote handy to ensure that you can pause to go to the bathroom!

Theory Time:

Jack (Leo DiCaprio) could have been a time traveler. Thanks to a fellow movie buff, it is proposed that Jack could have been a time traveler, sent back to change the future, basically to stop Rose (Kate Winslet) from suicide and forever changing the world. If you think about it, if Rose had jumped off the ship, Kal (Billy Zane) would have made them stop the ship to search for her, meaning that they wouldn't be going as fast as they were that night that the ship hit the iceberg, it also means that the Blue Ocean necklace wouldn't have sunk to the bottom of the ocean at the end because the ship wouldn't have sunk either. This means that the Titanic wouldn't have been the unforgettable ship as well as thousands of people wouldn't have died. IN THE MOVIE OF COURSE!

Do you feel your mind exploding right now?

They continue on with facts that could possibly be proof that Jack was indeed a time traveler. From the article I read (click on the link TIME TRAVELER) some of the little details throughout the movie suggest that Jack is from the future (not to mention that people producing the movie didn't fact check very well), from his hair to some of the suggestion of activities that they will do once they've reached America. 

How about now? Mind Blown yet?