Sunday, February 22, 2015

March Reading List

Hey Everyone!

So March 1st is approaching fast and I have so much to do! Moving, School, Kiddo, Jamberry, and Blogging! The last four have become my new passions in life. And will all this in mind, I have March's Reading List!!!!!

This month I'm going to read:

  1. Insurgent 
  2. Bared to You
  3. The Picture of Dorian Gray

So Happy that everyone is coming on this journey with me!

Oodles, Everyone!

February's Reading List Summarized

Hey Everyone!

So I finally finished my February Reading List, go me! With everything else going on I managed to finish them and on time, go me! I have a lot of things coming to an end on February 28th, my Going Going Gone Jamberry Party (still have time, don't be a fool, and don't forget to buy some Jamberry Nail Tools), I'm moving, new job, new reading list, new class, and so much more. February was a very busy month, but looking forward to the month of March, two new movies, new life, new reading list, new Jamberry Catalog and party, so so many new things.

Ok, so February's reading list summarized:


"One choice can transform you. Beatrice Prior's society is divided into five factions—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). Beatrice must choose between staying with her Abnegation family and transferring factions. Her choice will shock her community and herself. But the newly christened Tris also has a secret, one she's determined to keep hidden, because in this world, what makes you different makes you dangerous."

One girl, one faction, and one choice. This is really all this book is about. *movie is a little more engaging, but book is still very good* Tris' life was boring until she made the decision to leave her life behind and start anew. Only she didn't think it was going to be hard to find her place within the new faction. After having a boy crush on one of the instructor, Four, she comes to the realization that she is truly different and needs to stay hidden among her new family. Can she do it? You'll have to read the book (or watch the movie) to find out. 

The book, as always, gives you way more details than the movie, but I feel that the book drags on. I still like the book and want to continue reading the rest of the series. And I will! 
Gone: Part Three

"Lilly Randall had overcome a past filled with heartache and loss. She'd moved to Manhattan and was building a new and exciting life for herself. She was falling hard and fast for Clive Parker and now that she had a dream job, everything was exactly as it should be. When her past showed up to taunt her, the reality she thought she knew was suddenly stripped away. It's hard for Lilly to know who to trust when the one and only person who promised to protect her, can't give her the simple answers she needs. Believing in Clive may be impossible and when the choice comes down to investing in him or herself, Lilly makes the only choice she can."

This is the final installment, and honestly, these books went by so fast. I'm a fast reader, if it is something that peaks my interests and let's be honest, just look at the cover, it's peaked! *bad pun, I know, I'm shameful!* Back to the book... Lilly is a software designer mainly for mobile applications, and after an embarrassing photo that magically showed up in her press lease of a new app, she goes on a one woman mission to find out who would do this to her. With the unintentional help from her billionaire boyfriend, Clive, she is able to find the person, make them correct it, and move on to her happy ever after.

It was a very short book but worth the price because I had to finish the series.
Seven Sons

"My father was most certainly NOT an innocent man. As the leader of the Gypsy Brothers MC, he was guilty of many things. But he died for a crime that he didn’t commit, framed by an enemy within who then stole his club and everything he had ever worked to protect. Including my innocence. When Dornan Ross framed my father, he set into motion a series of events that could never be undone. My father was murdered by Dornan Ross and his sons when I was fifteen years old. Before my father died, Dornan and his sons stole my innocence, branded my skin and in doing so, ensured that their lives would be prematurely cut short. That they would suffer. I’ve just turned twenty-one, and I’m out for blood. I'm out for revenge. But I didn't expect to fall for Jase, the youngest brother in the club. I didn't expect that he would turn my world upside down, yank my heart out of my chest and ride away into the sunset with it. Now, I'm faced with an impossible choice - Jase, or avenging my fathers death? "

Right off the bat you know there is revenge and death involved in this book, not only from the description but the tiny prologue. Juliette was a simple girl that was born into the wrong type of family, a family that worked for a very powerful gang. After the death of her father and some unsavory events that happened to her, Juliette is making a change (whether it may be good or bad is depending on your judgement) and going after the people who are responsible for her pain and suffering. What she didn't count on is her feelings for the one person who was there that night and tried to spot it from happening. This is a tale of one girl making a difference in her own life but is also righting a wrong in the most unconventional way imaginable. 

Just goes to show that revenge is a powerful emotion. And some won't stop until they achieve their goal. 

All of these books are very good, and I recommend them to all of you. If you have any recommendations, please comment below. I have my March Reading List already planned, but I'm looking for new books to continue! 

Oodles, Everyone!

500+ Pageviewers!!!

Hey Everyone,

So another big shout out to everyone who has been reading the blog. Honestly, if it was for that number to continue to go up, I'm not sure I would keep this up!  As with the last post, I told you that I was also at $300 in sales for this month with Jamberry Nails, but GUESS WHAT? That number has also continued to go up and I'm currently over $500 in sales, which was my goal for sales this month, and guess what, with your help I reached my pageviewer goal also!


A little Stripes humor for you! 

Thanks for making this go from just a dream to a working possibility! Love you guys! OODLES!

Check you later dudes for more excellent adventures from Bill and Ted... and me!

*Comment and share for an entry to win a sheet of Jamberry Nails, including my custom designs, DRAWING for winner is March , 2015*

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Kingsman- The Secret Service: The Movie

 First of all, I had no expectations other than being good going into this movie and honestly, it was the best feeling, because I was NOT disappointed! This movie was worth it.

Colin Firth, plays a secret agent in a completely private, independent secret service which all have codes names of the King Arthur and the Knights of the round table. Many of you hopefully have seen the trailer, if not please do! 

There is action, sadness, a couple of WTF moments, humor, and much more, you're all over the place with reactions and emotions. I would definitely go see this again!

After a couple agent men die, a replacement is needed. Enter kid from the wrong side of London. Needed to save the world, and with the use of some kick ass gadgets, the world might live to see another day.

Things I liked:

  1. Kept on my toes (very engaging) 
  2. Very funny but not overly funny
  3. Lots of action (gore... be prepared)
  4. Implied romance 
  5. Surprising Ending

Things I disliked:

  1. Samuel L Jackson's character (couldn't take him serious... you'll see when you watch the movie)
  2. The didn't explain what happened to the henchman's (henchwoman's) legs

I definitely didn't have things that I didn't like. The pros outweighed the cons!

Rating- 4.5 stars and will be purchasing this movie!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey: The Movie

Finally! Its really all I can say at this point!

First of all, I absolutely loved the movie. Want to go see it again and most certainly going to purchase the dvd, which is currently sitting on my wish list at 

Ok Everyone the moment we've all been waiting for! Spoiler Alert....

As we all have read I've been super excited for this movie. I had some scenes that I wanted to come to the big screen and I mostly got what I asked for. They did an amazing job bringing what is probably my favorite book to life and I just want to say thank you first of all!

Ok, down to the nitty gritty... It starts off slow, but so does the book, couple things in the beginning that I think they could have taken out since it isn't how the book started but what do I know, right! Pretty much the movie stayed to the book, some of the dialogue was off, like the hardware store scene where Ana tells Christian he is the complete serial killer with what he was buying, but it added to making the movie stand alone.

It pretty much progressed as the book did, which I was extremely happy about and the sex scenes were classy but still managed to give us the "kinkery fuckery" that we were all waiting for. They did an awesome job bringing the RED ROOM OF PAIN to the big screen. They did combined a couple of the sex scenes into one large scene and let me tell you, Christian walking out in the ripped jeans hanging off his hips was everything the book said it would be! Jamie Dornan, in my opinion was the right choice for Christian! Dakota wasn't bad either. I think my favorite line for the whole movie was when Christian and Ana were sitting down at the table, as Ana was signing the Non-Disclosure Agreement, and Ana asks if Christian is going to make love to her now, and Christian just replies "I don't make love Anastasia I fuck...hard and there is something else I need to show you first." I think I about died! There were some other moments like that but nothing close to that. This movie was geared more towards Christian and Ana than really including the rest of the characters from the book, which I liked but I wished we had a little more for the supporting roles.

Things I like:

  1. Kinkery Fuckery was right on target from book
  2. Movie progressed similar to the book
  3. Chemistry between the actors was there, I don't understand how people couldn't see that.
  4. Soundtrack was kick ass
  5. Some of my scenes where there

Things I didn't like"

  1. Some of my scenes weren't there (silver balls and dinner scene)
  2. Not enough lip biting, Ana did a lot of biting of her lip
  3. Key lines from the book I wish were there
  4. Nothing was done to Christian it seems very one sided, but he still got his playroom time so
  5. Couple of the scenes that were included in the movie, but not in the book, could have been taking out (the opening scene is Christian getting ready for a run, we didn't need all that.)

Overall I am EXTREMELY HAPPY with this movie and fully support the next two! Bring it on Baby!

Here are the featured wraps for this movie. Still available for purchase! 1 for $25, 2+ for $20. Super Excited! Email me @ for details or to order!

My Fifty Shades Inspired Jamicure

Sandra's Fifty Shades Jamicure

300+ Pageviewers!

Hey Everyone!

Great News, We've reached 300+ pageviewers! That's is completely higher than I ever expected! And I honestly want to thank everyone who has took the time to read what I've written for the last week. I just can't believe that we got over 300 pageviewers in a week! This is so exciting. I never expected this to take off. I didn't realize that my goal was to get to 300 for the blog, but as I watched the number climb up and up, something happened and I actually began to feel some passion again. Not only in my Jamberry, but in the rest of my life, it only takes one positive event to shine the light back into your life. I just want to thank you all for that!

This is not the only great news I have, I managed to get over $300 in sales so far and the month is only half over! This is also exciting!

I've been feeling really creative, which you all know with the amount of posts and Jamberry NAS designs I've been posting lately. And to continue that I've made a new logo for my Google Account and is in the process of make wraps out of the new logo. The new logo can be seen, but not very well, in the box next to my name, but it also available below. I'm going to start working on the wrap design here shortly.

I just wanted to give a personal shout out to all the viewers, I hope that you are liking what you're reading, please share. I only want to continue going up, as long as my sales for the month! My goal is $500, who is with me?

You still have time to get in on the amazing deal that I'm offering for my Going Going Gone party. Which can be seen on the Going Going Gone post from earlier this week!

Again thank you all for reading and continuing to read! Stay Tuned, some exciting things are in store for this year!

And Trashy Nails finally has its very own Custom Design by Kay Jamberry Nail Wraps!

Show your support, buy, wear and post pictures!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Custom Designs by Kay! (NAS from Jamberry Nails)

As many of you that have been viewing my blog, have noticed that I tend to get very creative when I feel passionate about something, which this blog has brought out of me. I never ever thought that I would feel like this just by designing some cool looking Jamberry Nails for the movies/books that I love.

I want to thank everyone who reads and supports me while doing this, it just makes me feel special! Now if I could get any of you to purchase some that would be even better, no pressure! I'm excited to be featuring some of my designs on here and get to show that, as long as it is approved, you can wear just about anything on your nails.

As many of you have seen I've been posting them like crazy but I wanted this blog to be specific to just the designs, that way you can find them without having to searching all over kingdom come looking for them.

Of course as I get more approved, I'll post them, so keep a "weather eye out on the horizon!" (Will Turner, Pirates of the Caribbean 3- told you I can pull movie quotes out of nowhere)

 Fifty Shades of Grey I

 Cinderella I
Cinderella II

Divergent I

Trashy Nails Logo I

Bond I

Billiards I
 Billiards II
 Billiards III

Mary Kay I

Dirty Dancing I

Cinderella: The Movie

So I FINALLY went to see this movie and I have to stay Disney you truly out did yourselves! Lily James is the perfect Cinderella! And ladies and gentlemen we have a new Prince Charming ( Richard Madden), sorry Hugh Dancy!

Just like every Cinderella story it is sad and happy and full of love! Simply Ella in the beginning, has a mother and a father, which is something we haven't really seen before. Every story has started right after the mother has died. One of the quotes throughout the movie really stuck with me "Have Courage and be Kind." This quote was the last thing that Ella's mother said to her before her passing. 

I have to say that Cate Blanchett is probably the best stepmothers I've ever loved to hate. She is the very epitome of being a villain! Well done Cate!

You must see this movie if you haven't already! Very well done adaptation Disney, Well Done!

For you Cinderella fans, Show your support with customer Jamberry Nails. I have 2 designs available; 1 for $25 or 2 for $20. Email me at and we'll get your order on its way!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Jupiter Ascending: The Movie *SPOILER ALERT*

OK, for all the Tantum Fans, you will not be disappointed. He's freaking hot! OK, back to the review! 

The movie starts off a little slow and strange. Right off the bat, Jupiter's (Mila Kunis) father gets shot in an unexplained robbery. This is unexpected, and to me misunderstood as to why he needed to die. As the story progress, you get a meeting between the "aliens" who happen to be siblings, talking about harvesting and have the rights to Earth, which was willed to the oldest brother, Balem (Eddie Redmayne), not until later you find out that the sibling's mother is the rightful heir to the rights to Earth, which Jupiter is the reincarnation of her. Weird Right? Not as weird as seeing yourself as a statue who isn't you but the sibling's mother, who happens to be wearing the same dress as your wedding dress that you will wear "marrying" the youngest brother, Titus (Douglas Booth), but I'm getting ahead of myself....

OK, so after the meeting of siblings, you follow Balem and see that he is harvesting people, which looks weird because it's in the future, but you don't really understand what he is doing until later. At this point you see Jupiter's life as a maid with her mother and aunt and the fact that she hates her life, which she mentions multiple times. I can relate to this in someways because like everyone else, some days you really hate you life. 

OK, so you see her clean and clean and clean, and finally you get to see Channing as Caine the alien hunter, which is a genetically spliced human with a wolf, created for the military. Which he is adorable as a WolfMan Fighting Machine. What you realize later is that Caine is hunting for Jupiter for the youngest sibling, Titus to repair some damage he caused back in the war with an ex-friend Stinger (Sean Bean), who you actually meet later in the movie after Jupiter is attacked multiple times by Balem's creepy dead zombie looking things called the Keepers. 

Sorry, got ahead of myself.... At this point you're half way through the movie and all you see is action and sexual frustration between Jupiter and Caine. #TeamJuine 

Jupiter finally finds out that she is some kind of royalty and is escorted to the only woman sibling's house and this is where she finds out that she is their mother back to life. This is also where she finds out that there is a way to treat aging, to give the gift of youth, to escape the pressures of time and the vast unexplored universes. 

More fighting by Caine and he escorts Jupiter to what is a courthouse, The Hall of Titles, to receive Jupiter's title and claim her inheritance, the rights to Earth. More sexual frustration and more fighting. Just kiss her already, Caine! This happened to be the same thing that Sandra and I said the entire movie. 

 This brings us to the kidnapping of Jupiter by Titus and then brings us to the awkward marriage, that Caine stops, THANK GOD (Sandra commented would it be considered incest). The dress is found at the bottom of the blog, it was what inspired my JAMicure. This is also where Jupiter (and us) find out why the planets are being harvested. They are taking the DNA and other parts of humans and are making an anti aging concoction that they bathe in to regain the gift. Sick I know! I couldn't believe it. 

While all of this was taking place, Balem kidnaps what is left of Jupiter's family on Earth and is held ransomed for the rights of Earth. Jupiter returns to Earth to find her family gone and Balem's creepy right hand man explains that Balem has a deal but she has to go with him. Which of course she does. I'm screaming you stupid stupid girl, but I understand her reasoning.  She went and creepy right hand man, closed the wall and Caine is unable to follow. At this point, Stringer (I love you BTW) finally has had enough and told Caine to basically go and get your woman, to which Caine does. It's about time that he realized he loved her, because she fell in love with him about an hour and a half ago.  He's a late bloomer!

As the last Epic Battle beginning, Team Juine finally kiss and then off to kick some booty. They save the day and they fly off into the Chicago Sky. Oh yeah I forgot Jupiter lives in Chicago! Go Illinois!

Rating: 4 stars in my book, and I suggest you go see it, or a least remember that when it comes to Netflix, watch it!

It was a good movie, directed very well. I'm always skeptical about sci-fi action movies, but this one was interconnected very well. The story line was also very good, there wasn't any dry parts or parts that I couldn't really stand. I mean I did have some moments that I was like come on woman use your head. Sandra and I were talking about some of the positions that Jupiter put herself in with Caine but also the dangerous ones. We came to the conclusion that Jupiter is an aggressive woman and just the interaction between her and Caine would show that.  Jupiter fell hard for Caine in the beginning but he fought with it until the end when he realized that he might have lost her if he didn't go and fight for her again and again, not to mention Stinger had to push him in the right direction. What are ex-friend-re-friends for right! He has this caveman complex going on and Jupiter digs it to the max.

This movie is more action and sci-fi with a bit of romance thrown it. I will definitely be purchasing this movie.

This is my Jupiter Ascending inspired JAM-icure! The quality of the photos is bad because I can't hold my camera steady sorry about last. 

In honor of going to see the movie, tomorrow with my friend Sandra,  I did this Jamicure. It was very simple.  

First I applied my CARDINAL Red Lacquer and my DUSK Grey Lacquer (unavailable and also part of the Going Going Gone products) and waited about 10 minutes for them to dry.
After they were dry, I applied with heat my SILVER FLORAL wrap over my DUSK lacquer, creating a floral and shimmer illusion of glitter, which I couldn't find. I used Mila's character's (Jupiter) dress as my inspiration. 
The dress is a little more beige, but that's not a color for me. But her headdress is silver!
It was easy as 1,2, 3! Anyone can do it. If my 5 year old can do it, you can too!

Hostess of the Month

Calling all Ladies, who love to get there nails done or who visit the salons every 2 weeks and spend outrageous amounts of money on manicures and pedicures!

Have I got product for you! Jamberry Nails is a vinyl wrap that with heat will apply to your nail for at least 2 weeks, no dry time or won't chip! Over 300 different designs, one for each different personality!

Are you willing to take the 2 week challenge?

I'm offering a special Hostess of the Month club, for all the ladies who want to join! Jamberry Nails is my life, besides Movies and Books and my kiddo! Come and join me once a month for party time!

Clearly, for a lower price of $15 a month, you can join this amazing opportunity. Who doesn't love freebies?  I know I do!

I only have limited positions open, and one of them is reserved for you!

You can reach me at my email address:

Don't wait to join because the positions will be filled quickly!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Nail Off!

Nail Off!

Battle of the Nails!

Jamberry Vs Sally Hansen Salon Affects Vs Trend Tips by Sephora by OPI

          As a Jamberry consultant, I'm always asked what the difference between my products and those found in the stores. Well the first thing I say is "You don't want those crappy things." Now I'm not bashing the other products, I'm just saying that I wouldn't purchase them! The second thing I say is that ours is a better quality. And honestly they are. Jamberry nail wraps/shields are a vinyl wrap that you heat up and place. Rub it on and file off the excess. That's it and it is super easy. The good thing is that there is no dry time, no chipping, you can bake a cake right after applying.

Ok... now to the nitty gritty!

Sally Hansen Salon Affects may have the convenience of picking up same day and the price, but that is all it has going for the product. The quality of these strips isn't good, it is basically a strip of dry nail polish, that you have to keep sealed after use because if not they will dry out and become useless. They also are very awkward to put on, you have to be very careful about how you put them on, because you can't take them off once you stick them on. For people like me who preposition the product on their nails multiple times, this product wouldn't work for me.

Not too mention that since it is dried nail polish, they chip or flake off, and the glitter designs are just as much as a pain to get off as glitter nail polish is. This product is losing stars as I continue.

I've used this product before and let's just say that I had to have help applying them, which with Jamberry I can do it all by myself, even my 5 year old can apply them (with the help of mommy or grandma).

Why spend money on a product like that?

Trend Tips by Sephora by OPI is the same as Sally Hansen's products, however they are a little harder to come by in my research. The only product I could find on OPI's website was a kit that included trend tips and trend toes, which Jamberry includes both on the same sheet, but also a gel product. Trend Tips is still dried out lacquer/nail polish, meaning that they will chip. Again paying for convenience, if you can find them and price but not quality.

I've never used this product, but just from my research, I would be honest in saying that I never will. Why would I pay for TWO separate products, fingers and toes, when I can pay for one and do both.

It's Jamberry Time!

Jamberry Nails, as I said above is a vinyl (plastic) wrap/shield that when heated up, can be applied to your nail. They are super easy to apply since you can take them off and reapply with some heat. They are worth the price of quality and have over 300 designs and can make your own designs, as long as nothing is trademarked. The other two products can't do that. They don't need to be sealed up tight after use, I keep mine in a photo box will index card dividers.  No chip, they can go over gel/fake nails, and last up to two week on fingers, depending on how hard you use your hands, but after a week you'll be ready to change to a new design.

They are a great buy compared to the other products I mentioned. And no it's not just because I'm a consultant, I was a consumer before I was a consultant, and my love for this product is the reason I became a consultant, not too mention the extra goodies and freebies!

Why wouldn't you chose a product like this? That is the question you need to answer!

If you are interested in a sample or want to place an order, email me at I'll have a sample in the mail the next day.


Friday, February 6, 2015

Fifty Shades Nail Off!

So it has come to my attention that OPI now has a Fifty Shades of Grey collection. I full support this, as I am an Fifty Fan, however, I'm not sure I would use these. As I'm not a nail polish fan, I would rather use my Jamberry Lacquer because I know that it is harmful, like other brands.

One of the selling points of Jamberry Lacquers is that they are free of harmful chemicals.

"Jamberry Nail Lacquers use the latest color and cosmetic technologies to enhance and beautify nails. Lacquers provide a rich and extensive palette of the widest range of colors and effects without the use of Toluene, Formaldehyde, Dibutylphthalate (DBP), Camphor or Formaldehyde Resin. Made in the USA, gluten free, cruelty free, and Vegan friendly." 

Tell me why would you use the other brands, knowing that this is the product?

Jamberry Nails INSPIRED Fifty Shades

OPI Fifty Shades of Grey Collection

OPI may have more colors, but Jamberry has the quality. Which would you choose?
I know which one I will!

Comment below!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Going Goin Gone 2014 Fall/Winter Catalog

Get these wraps before they are GOING, GOING, GONE

I'm really sad to see some of these products going, especially my new favorite, MIDNIGHT SKY! It is the one featured as well as BLACK TIE AFFAIR, in the FIFTY SHADES OF GREY: THE BOOK BLOG I posted earlier this week.

I'm running a party until the end of the month, featuring only these products. Get them while they last. 

Here's the link to the Party:  Going, Going, Gone!