Friday, February 13, 2015

300+ Pageviewers!

Hey Everyone!

Great News, We've reached 300+ pageviewers! That's is completely higher than I ever expected! And I honestly want to thank everyone who has took the time to read what I've written for the last week. I just can't believe that we got over 300 pageviewers in a week! This is so exciting. I never expected this to take off. I didn't realize that my goal was to get to 300 for the blog, but as I watched the number climb up and up, something happened and I actually began to feel some passion again. Not only in my Jamberry, but in the rest of my life, it only takes one positive event to shine the light back into your life. I just want to thank you all for that!

This is not the only great news I have, I managed to get over $300 in sales so far and the month is only half over! This is also exciting!

I've been feeling really creative, which you all know with the amount of posts and Jamberry NAS designs I've been posting lately. And to continue that I've made a new logo for my Google Account and is in the process of make wraps out of the new logo. The new logo can be seen, but not very well, in the box next to my name, but it also available below. I'm going to start working on the wrap design here shortly.

I just wanted to give a personal shout out to all the viewers, I hope that you are liking what you're reading, please share. I only want to continue going up, as long as my sales for the month! My goal is $500, who is with me?

You still have time to get in on the amazing deal that I'm offering for my Going Going Gone party. Which can be seen on the Going Going Gone post from earlier this week!

Again thank you all for reading and continuing to read! Stay Tuned, some exciting things are in store for this year!

And Trashy Nails finally has its very own Custom Design by Kay Jamberry Nail Wraps!

Show your support, buy, wear and post pictures!

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