Monday, February 2, 2015

A new beginning!

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to Trashy Nails!

A blog about Books, Movies and Jamberry Nails.

A little bit about myself. I'm a single mother, still in school and trying to make it in the world, on her own. I've been selling Jamberry Nails for about a year, and just selling wasn't doing it for me anymore. I had hit a wall and got into a funk. I needed a new way to sell my Jams but have passion about selling them. Talking about it with my mom, we found out that I have passion about some very weird things: shoes, funky socks, trashy romance novels (not only trashy romance, other kinds too), movies and Jamberries. And that brings us to now and Trashy Nails became a reality.
This blog is not only for Jamberry Nails.  I love books and movies and can probably pull a movie quote into a conversation and you'll never even know. This is about all things having to do with books, movies, and my Jams. I'm excited about this new venture.

Stay Tuned!

Tips 2 Toes - click to go to my website!

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