Sunday, February 8, 2015

Jupiter Ascending: The Movie *SPOILER ALERT*

OK, for all the Tantum Fans, you will not be disappointed. He's freaking hot! OK, back to the review! 

The movie starts off a little slow and strange. Right off the bat, Jupiter's (Mila Kunis) father gets shot in an unexplained robbery. This is unexpected, and to me misunderstood as to why he needed to die. As the story progress, you get a meeting between the "aliens" who happen to be siblings, talking about harvesting and have the rights to Earth, which was willed to the oldest brother, Balem (Eddie Redmayne), not until later you find out that the sibling's mother is the rightful heir to the rights to Earth, which Jupiter is the reincarnation of her. Weird Right? Not as weird as seeing yourself as a statue who isn't you but the sibling's mother, who happens to be wearing the same dress as your wedding dress that you will wear "marrying" the youngest brother, Titus (Douglas Booth), but I'm getting ahead of myself....

OK, so after the meeting of siblings, you follow Balem and see that he is harvesting people, which looks weird because it's in the future, but you don't really understand what he is doing until later. At this point you see Jupiter's life as a maid with her mother and aunt and the fact that she hates her life, which she mentions multiple times. I can relate to this in someways because like everyone else, some days you really hate you life. 

OK, so you see her clean and clean and clean, and finally you get to see Channing as Caine the alien hunter, which is a genetically spliced human with a wolf, created for the military. Which he is adorable as a WolfMan Fighting Machine. What you realize later is that Caine is hunting for Jupiter for the youngest sibling, Titus to repair some damage he caused back in the war with an ex-friend Stinger (Sean Bean), who you actually meet later in the movie after Jupiter is attacked multiple times by Balem's creepy dead zombie looking things called the Keepers. 

Sorry, got ahead of myself.... At this point you're half way through the movie and all you see is action and sexual frustration between Jupiter and Caine. #TeamJuine 

Jupiter finally finds out that she is some kind of royalty and is escorted to the only woman sibling's house and this is where she finds out that she is their mother back to life. This is also where she finds out that there is a way to treat aging, to give the gift of youth, to escape the pressures of time and the vast unexplored universes. 

More fighting by Caine and he escorts Jupiter to what is a courthouse, The Hall of Titles, to receive Jupiter's title and claim her inheritance, the rights to Earth. More sexual frustration and more fighting. Just kiss her already, Caine! This happened to be the same thing that Sandra and I said the entire movie. 

 This brings us to the kidnapping of Jupiter by Titus and then brings us to the awkward marriage, that Caine stops, THANK GOD (Sandra commented would it be considered incest). The dress is found at the bottom of the blog, it was what inspired my JAMicure. This is also where Jupiter (and us) find out why the planets are being harvested. They are taking the DNA and other parts of humans and are making an anti aging concoction that they bathe in to regain the gift. Sick I know! I couldn't believe it. 

While all of this was taking place, Balem kidnaps what is left of Jupiter's family on Earth and is held ransomed for the rights of Earth. Jupiter returns to Earth to find her family gone and Balem's creepy right hand man explains that Balem has a deal but she has to go with him. Which of course she does. I'm screaming you stupid stupid girl, but I understand her reasoning.  She went and creepy right hand man, closed the wall and Caine is unable to follow. At this point, Stringer (I love you BTW) finally has had enough and told Caine to basically go and get your woman, to which Caine does. It's about time that he realized he loved her, because she fell in love with him about an hour and a half ago.  He's a late bloomer!

As the last Epic Battle beginning, Team Juine finally kiss and then off to kick some booty. They save the day and they fly off into the Chicago Sky. Oh yeah I forgot Jupiter lives in Chicago! Go Illinois!

Rating: 4 stars in my book, and I suggest you go see it, or a least remember that when it comes to Netflix, watch it!

It was a good movie, directed very well. I'm always skeptical about sci-fi action movies, but this one was interconnected very well. The story line was also very good, there wasn't any dry parts or parts that I couldn't really stand. I mean I did have some moments that I was like come on woman use your head. Sandra and I were talking about some of the positions that Jupiter put herself in with Caine but also the dangerous ones. We came to the conclusion that Jupiter is an aggressive woman and just the interaction between her and Caine would show that.  Jupiter fell hard for Caine in the beginning but he fought with it until the end when he realized that he might have lost her if he didn't go and fight for her again and again, not to mention Stinger had to push him in the right direction. What are ex-friend-re-friends for right! He has this caveman complex going on and Jupiter digs it to the max.

This movie is more action and sci-fi with a bit of romance thrown it. I will definitely be purchasing this movie.

This is my Jupiter Ascending inspired JAM-icure! The quality of the photos is bad because I can't hold my camera steady sorry about last. 

In honor of going to see the movie, tomorrow with my friend Sandra,  I did this Jamicure. It was very simple.  

First I applied my CARDINAL Red Lacquer and my DUSK Grey Lacquer (unavailable and also part of the Going Going Gone products) and waited about 10 minutes for them to dry.
After they were dry, I applied with heat my SILVER FLORAL wrap over my DUSK lacquer, creating a floral and shimmer illusion of glitter, which I couldn't find. I used Mila's character's (Jupiter) dress as my inspiration. 
The dress is a little more beige, but that's not a color for me. But her headdress is silver!
It was easy as 1,2, 3! Anyone can do it. If my 5 year old can do it, you can too!

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