Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Custom Designs by Kay! (NAS from Jamberry Nails)

As many of you that have been viewing my blog, have noticed that I tend to get very creative when I feel passionate about something, which this blog has brought out of me. I never ever thought that I would feel like this just by designing some cool looking Jamberry Nails for the movies/books that I love.

I want to thank everyone who reads and supports me while doing this, it just makes me feel special! Now if I could get any of you to purchase some that would be even better, no pressure! I'm excited to be featuring some of my designs on here and get to show that, as long as it is approved, you can wear just about anything on your nails.

As many of you have seen I've been posting them like crazy but I wanted this blog to be specific to just the designs, that way you can find them without having to searching all over kingdom come looking for them.

Of course as I get more approved, I'll post them, so keep a "weather eye out on the horizon!" (Will Turner, Pirates of the Caribbean 3- told you I can pull movie quotes out of nowhere)

 Fifty Shades of Grey I

 Cinderella I
Cinderella II

Divergent I

Trashy Nails Logo I

Bond I

Billiards I
 Billiards II
 Billiards III

Mary Kay I

Dirty Dancing I

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