Friday, February 13, 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey: The Movie

Finally! Its really all I can say at this point!

First of all, I absolutely loved the movie. Want to go see it again and most certainly going to purchase the dvd, which is currently sitting on my wish list at 

Ok Everyone the moment we've all been waiting for! Spoiler Alert....

As we all have read I've been super excited for this movie. I had some scenes that I wanted to come to the big screen and I mostly got what I asked for. They did an amazing job bringing what is probably my favorite book to life and I just want to say thank you first of all!

Ok, down to the nitty gritty... It starts off slow, but so does the book, couple things in the beginning that I think they could have taken out since it isn't how the book started but what do I know, right! Pretty much the movie stayed to the book, some of the dialogue was off, like the hardware store scene where Ana tells Christian he is the complete serial killer with what he was buying, but it added to making the movie stand alone.

It pretty much progressed as the book did, which I was extremely happy about and the sex scenes were classy but still managed to give us the "kinkery fuckery" that we were all waiting for. They did an awesome job bringing the RED ROOM OF PAIN to the big screen. They did combined a couple of the sex scenes into one large scene and let me tell you, Christian walking out in the ripped jeans hanging off his hips was everything the book said it would be! Jamie Dornan, in my opinion was the right choice for Christian! Dakota wasn't bad either. I think my favorite line for the whole movie was when Christian and Ana were sitting down at the table, as Ana was signing the Non-Disclosure Agreement, and Ana asks if Christian is going to make love to her now, and Christian just replies "I don't make love Anastasia I fuck...hard and there is something else I need to show you first." I think I about died! There were some other moments like that but nothing close to that. This movie was geared more towards Christian and Ana than really including the rest of the characters from the book, which I liked but I wished we had a little more for the supporting roles.

Things I like:

  1. Kinkery Fuckery was right on target from book
  2. Movie progressed similar to the book
  3. Chemistry between the actors was there, I don't understand how people couldn't see that.
  4. Soundtrack was kick ass
  5. Some of my scenes where there

Things I didn't like"

  1. Some of my scenes weren't there (silver balls and dinner scene)
  2. Not enough lip biting, Ana did a lot of biting of her lip
  3. Key lines from the book I wish were there
  4. Nothing was done to Christian it seems very one sided, but he still got his playroom time so
  5. Couple of the scenes that were included in the movie, but not in the book, could have been taking out (the opening scene is Christian getting ready for a run, we didn't need all that.)

Overall I am EXTREMELY HAPPY with this movie and fully support the next two! Bring it on Baby!

Here are the featured wraps for this movie. Still available for purchase! 1 for $25, 2+ for $20. Super Excited! Email me @ for details or to order!

My Fifty Shades Inspired Jamicure

Sandra's Fifty Shades Jamicure

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