Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Kingsman- The Secret Service: The Movie

 First of all, I had no expectations other than being good going into this movie and honestly, it was the best feeling, because I was NOT disappointed! This movie was worth it.

Colin Firth, plays a secret agent in a completely private, independent secret service which all have codes names of the King Arthur and the Knights of the round table. Many of you hopefully have seen the trailer, if not please do! 

There is action, sadness, a couple of WTF moments, humor, and much more, you're all over the place with reactions and emotions. I would definitely go see this again!

After a couple agent men die, a replacement is needed. Enter kid from the wrong side of London. Needed to save the world, and with the use of some kick ass gadgets, the world might live to see another day.

Things I liked:

  1. Kept on my toes (very engaging) 
  2. Very funny but not overly funny
  3. Lots of action (gore... be prepared)
  4. Implied romance 
  5. Surprising Ending

Things I disliked:

  1. Samuel L Jackson's character (couldn't take him serious... you'll see when you watch the movie)
  2. The didn't explain what happened to the henchman's (henchwoman's) legs

I definitely didn't have things that I didn't like. The pros outweighed the cons!

Rating- 4.5 stars and will be purchasing this movie!

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