Sunday, February 22, 2015

500+ Pageviewers!!!

Hey Everyone,

So another big shout out to everyone who has been reading the blog. Honestly, if it was for that number to continue to go up, I'm not sure I would keep this up!  As with the last post, I told you that I was also at $300 in sales for this month with Jamberry Nails, but GUESS WHAT? That number has also continued to go up and I'm currently over $500 in sales, which was my goal for sales this month, and guess what, with your help I reached my pageviewer goal also!


A little Stripes humor for you! 

Thanks for making this go from just a dream to a working possibility! Love you guys! OODLES!

Check you later dudes for more excellent adventures from Bill and Ted... and me!

*Comment and share for an entry to win a sheet of Jamberry Nails, including my custom designs, DRAWING for winner is March , 2015*

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